ZWO 1.25″ Narrowband Filter Set Review

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I recently purchased the ZWO 1.25″ narrowband filter set.  The set include 3 filters H-alpha, S-II, and O3.

Narrowband filters are a great way to battle light pollution when photographing emission nebula. I live in a Bortle 8-9 area so for me narrow band is a must have. Even in light polluted skies, you can achieve highly detailed color images with a monochrome camera.


Thickness – 2mm (glass)

Cost – $369 as of post date

Light Pass – up to 90% (see chart) The manufacturer says “up to 80%” but if you look at the chart, it clearly say 90%.  I suspect it’s just a typo on their site since the chart is more reliable.

Band Pass – 7 +/- .5nm


H-alpha – 656nm

S-II – 672nm

O3 – 500nm

Mounted – yes (standard 1.25″ filter thread male)

The ZWO filter set has up to 90% transmission.


The filters are pre mounted onto standard 1.25″ male filter threads.  I have used them individually and also with the ZWO Filter wheel.  All you have to do is to screw them into the filter holder. 


The following images were taken in my back yard using all three of these filters. 

Camera – ZWO 1178mm

Mount – Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro

Guide Software – AsiAir Plus

Guide Scope – SVBony SV165 

Orion - H-alpha Stacked Frame 50 Min Integration
Orion - S2 Stacked frame 100Min Integration
O3 50 Min Integration Time

Customer Reviews

Agena AstroProducts has a rating of 4.3 stars with 6 reviews. 

High Point Scientific has a 5 star rating with 2 reviews.

Most of the feedback posted from customers has been positive. The 4 star ratings mention difficulty focusing and not fitting the filter wheel.  For me they fit perfectly so I cannot replicate any issue that the customer mentioned. As far as focuing goes, I can attest that it is more difficult to focus with the filters.  The issue is that there is a significant reduction in the amount of light passed to the camera.  To overcome this, I use a 15 to 30 second exposure time in the focus and preview mode.  With the addition of a Bahtinov mask, I can use the preview function with long exposure to fine tune the focus.


As I just mentioned, focusing is a challenge.  Here is how I get to focus fast with my setup.  I use a filter wheel with my kit.  I bought a cheap CLS filter and added it to the wheel.  To get close but not yet perfect, I just switch to the CLS filter and increase my exposure time to 2 to 5 seconds.  This get’s me very close to what the narrow band filter need to be at.

After this step, I switch to the filter I intend to use and use the preview mode with 30 seconds.  With the mask, I can achieve perfect focus this way.

Here I use the AsiAir. Even in focus mode, I can clearly see that this is in focus. I use the CLS filter first to get it close before moving onto narrow band.

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