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The Annular Solar Eclipse of 2023: A Spectacle of Light and Shadow

On October 14, 2023, an annular solar eclipse graced the skies of North, Central, and South America. This celestial event captured the attention of astronomers and skygazers alike, offering a glimpse into the intricate dance between the Sun, Moon, and Earth.

What is an annular solar eclipse?

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon aligns perfectly between the Sun and Earth, but the Moon is too far away in its elliptical orbit to completely block the Sun’s light. This results in a dazzling ring of fire, where the Sun’s corona shines around the Moon’s silhouette.

Path of the 2023 eclipse

The path of the 2023 annular eclipse began in Oregon, USA, and swept across the continent, traversing through states like California, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, and Mexico. It then continued its journey over Central America and finally reached South America, culminating in Colombia.